Chronostratigraphic Chart v2016/10

LA SCALA DEL TEMPO GEOLOGICO – Chronostratigraphic Chart v2016/10

Click here (PDF or JPG) to download the latest version (v2016/10) of the International Chronostratigraphic Chart. The explanatory article was published in September 2013 issue of Episodes (download from Episodes or ICS website).

The old versions can be download at the following links: 2008 (PDF or JPG), 2009 (PDF or JPG), 2010 (PDF or JPG), 2012 (PDF or JPG), 2013/01 (PDF or JPG), 2014/02 (PDF or JPG) , 2014/10 (PDF or JPG), 2015/01 (PDF or JPG), 2016/04 (PDF or JPG) and the ChangeLog for 2012-2016.
